Giulia Bruno

General information

E-mail: giulia.bruno @ polito . it
Tel: +39 011 090 7280
Date of birth: 17/02/1982


Education and training

Giulia is a post-doc researcher at Politecnico di Torino from 2009.

She hold a Ph.D. in “Information and System Engineering” from Politecnico di Torino in April 2009. Thesis title: “Extraction of Association Rules from Biological Data”.

She holds a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2005. Thesis title: “Identification of risk situations in clinical data collected by sensors”.


Her reserach activity is focused on data mining, semantic ontologies and system modeling and analysis.

She is currently involved in the  EU-FP7 project “Advanced Platform for Manufacturing Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management (amePLM)” for the development of an ontology-based PLM system for the Department of Management and Production Engineering of Politecnico di Torino.

She is also working in collaboration with the Healthcare Sanitary Agency of the Asti province to analyze collected data and evaluate its performances.

Her research activity also includes the development of a semantic model of the Italian SME network contract in comoparison with similar contractual forms of collaboration in different countries.

Previous researh interests include the analysis of microarray gene expression data to propose algorithms for selecting genes relevant for tumor classification and to detect gene regulatory networks through the application of temporal association rules, the topico of  data cleaning and semantic information discovery in XMLand biological databases, and  the data mining techniques for clinical analysis, particularly the classification of physiological signals in order to real time monitor patient conditions and detect unsafe events.

Professional experience

Teaching activity

Giulia Bruno has been teaching assistant for the following courses:



The supplementary material of paper “Efficient management of Park resources:  natural and cultural data in Alpi Marittime area” can be foud here.


Publications available here


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