Alessandro Fiori

General information

Telephone: +39 011 090 7084
Date of birth: 14/12/1982
Curriculum vitae e studiorum Italian version

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Education and training

Alessandro Fiori is the project manager of Laboratory Assistant Suite (LAS) project at the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) of Candiolo (Italy), since January 2012.

He was a Post-doctoral researcher at the Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica of the Politecnico di Torino from January 2010 until December 2011.

He attended the Ph.D. in “Information and System Engineering” from January 2007 until December 2009. He spent a period of 6 months (March 2009-August 2009) abroad at Databases and Information Systems Group of “Max-Planck Insitut fur Informatik”, Saarbrucken (Germany). The research activity was focused on the study of the knowledge stored in biological ontologies (e.g. UMLS) in order to extract informative paths.

He holds a laurea degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in November 2006. The title of his thesis was “Classification of genetic data”.


His research activity is focused on the development of a framework to analyse the wealth of public gene expression data and validate the results. The aim of this research is to help geneticists, molecular biologists and medical researchers in the identification of highly selected hypotheses to be further tested in vivo/vitro.

He has been working on feature selection algorithms, to select the most relevant genes under determinate conditions and pathologies. Moreover, he is investigating clustering techniques which weight differently specific features of data in similarity measure computation.

His current research interests include a framework to validate biological analysis results using the knowledge retrieved from research articles stored in PubMed repository.

Research projects

Title Web page Resources
Microarray feature selection Feature selection Stratified kfold
Microarray clustering Classification Distance
Biological summarizer BioSumm
Document summarization Document summarization
Social network mining Social network mining
Biomedical data management and integration LAS webiste


He was Lecturer for the following lessons:

Year Lesson Course University
2013 Sommarizzazione e Generazione Internet Festival 2013 Università di Pisa
2013 From unstructured data to biological databases: a practical example Dottorato di Ricerca in Sistemi Complessi per le scienze della vita Università di Torino

He was Assistant lecturer for the following courses:

Academic year Course University
2012-2013 Database Management Systems Politecnico di Torino
2011-2012 Database Management Systems Politecnico di Torino
2010-2011 Database Management Systems Politecnico di Torino
2009-2010 Tecnologia delle basi dati Politecnico di Torino
2008-2009 Basi di dati Politecnico di Torino
2007-2008 Tecniche e Linguaggi di Programmazione Politecnico di Torino
2007-2008 Basi di dati Politecnico di Torino

Professional experiences

From To Position Employer Project topic
February 2013 Today Project Manager Fondazione del Piemonte per l’Oncologia (FPO)- Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) – Candiolo (Italy)
Laboratory Assistant Suite project
March 2013 April 2013 Informatic consultant I.N.B.B. Single Agent anit-MEK therapy in metastatic colorectal carcinoma: A preclinical trial in patient-derived xenografts transcriptionally enriched for potential responders
January 2013 February 2013 Informatic consultant ISKRA di Paolo Griot Document analysis
January 2013 February 2013 Informatic consultant Fondazione del Piemonte per l’Oncologia (FPO) – Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) – Candiolo (Italy) Heracles project
January 2012 December 2012 Project Manager Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro – Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) – Candiolo (Italy) Laboratory Assistant Suite project
January 2010 December 2011 Post-doc researcher Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica – Politecnico di Torino Study of data mining techniques
January 2011 March 2011 Informatic consultant Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) – Candiolo (Italy) Feasibility study of management systems for research laboratories
March 2009 August 2009 Visiting PhD student Databases and Information Systems (Gerhard Weikum) – Max-Planck Institut fur Informatik – Saarbrucken (Germany) Data mining techniques applied to biomedical ontologies
January 2007 December 2009 PhD in Information and SystemEngineeringXXII cycle Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica – Politecnico di Torino Extraction of biologicalknowledge by means of datamining techniques
January 2007 December 2010 Informatic consultant Fondazione IBD Onlus – Torino Design and develop of web services to manage research activities


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Conference material

Conference Year Material
AI*IA 2011 Presentation
CIKM 2010 Poster
BIBE 2008 Poster
EMBC 2008 Presentation
BIBE 2007 Presentation
EMBC 2007 Presentation

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