9:00 - 9:10 Opening
9:10-10:10 Invited talk: Dr. Daniele Quercia: Computational Urban "Science"!
10:10 - 10:30 Research Session I
- Cross-Checking Data Sources in MapReduce, Foto Afrati, Zaid Momani and Nikos Stasinopoulos.
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Research Session II
- CLUS: Parallel subspace clustering algorithm on Spark, Bo Zhu, Alexandru Mara and Alberto Mozo.
- Massively Parallel Unsupervised Feature Selection on Spark, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Sandra Gomez Canaval and Alberto Mozo.
- Unsupervised Network Anomaly Detection in Real-time on Big Data, Juliette Dromard, Gilles Roudière and Philippe Owezarski.
- NPEPE: Massive Natural Computing Engine for Optimally Solving NP-complete Problems in Big Data Scenarios, Sandra Gomez Canaval, Bruno Ordozgoiti and Alberto Mozo.
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Research Session III
- Andromeda: A System for Processing Queries and Updates on Big XML Documents, Nicole Bidoit, Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani, Alessandro Solimando and Federico Ulliana.
- Fast and effective decision support for crisis management by the analysis of people's reactions collected from Twitter, Antonio Attanasio, Louis Jallet, Antonio Lotito, Michele Osella and Francesco Rua.
- Adaptive Quality of Experience: a novel approach to real-time big data analysis in core networks, Alejandro Bascunana, Miguel-Angel Monjas, Manuel Lorenzo and Patricia Sánchez Cantón.
- A review of scalable approaches for Frequent Itemset Mining, Daniele Apiletti, Paolo Garza and Fabio Pulvirenti.
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-18:30 ONTIC Plenary meeting
18:30 Satellite Events Reception