3rd International Workshop on
Big Data Applications and Principles



3rd International Workshop on Big Data Applications and Principles
(BigDap 2016) 
August 28th 2016, Prague, Czech Republic

Invited paper
  • Reducing Big Data by means of Context-Aware Tailoring, by Paolo Garza, Elisa Quintarelli, Emanuele Rabosio, and Letizia Tanca.

Accepted papers
  • Feature Ranking and Selection for Big Data Sets, by Bruno Ordozgoiti, Sandra Gomez Canaval, and Alberto Mozo.
  • BAC: a Bagged Associative Classifier for Big Data Frameworks, by Luca Venturini, Paolo Garza, and Daniele Apiletti.
  • Spark2Fires: A new parallel approximate subspace clustering algorithm, by Bo Zhu and Alberto Mozo