![Daniele Quercia Daniele Quercia](/darli-ap2017/images/DQuercia.jpg) |
Daniele Quercia (www.researchswinger.org) leads the Social Dynamics team at Bell Labs in Cambridge (UK). He is interested in the relationship between online and offline worlds and his work has been focusing in the areas of urban informatics. He was General Chair for AAAI ICWSM and Track Chair for ACM WWW. He has been co-editor of Computer Communications Journal Special Issue on Online Social Networks (Elsevier) 2014 and for the Special issue on Personality in Personalized systems (UMUAI) 2014. His research has been published in leading venues including ICSE, Ubicomp, ICDM, CSCW, RecSys, WSDM, and WWW, received a best paper award from ACM Ubicomp and from AAAI ICWSM, and an honorable mention from AAAI ICWSM, and has been featured on more than 80 international news outlets. He spoke at TED, wrote for BBC, and has been named one of Fortune magazine’s 2014 Data All-Stars. He was Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he worked on social networks in a city context, and his PhD thesis at UC London was nominated for BCS Best British PhD dissertation in Computer Science. During his PhD, he was a Microsoft Research PhD Scholar and MBA Technology Fellow of London Business School, and he also interned at the National Research Council in Barcelona and at National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. He studied at Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), and University of Illinois (USA).