Categoria: <span>Research</span>

Knowledge-Guided Machine learning workshop

DBDMG Organizers: Simone Monaco, Daniele Apiletti On September 22, 2023, we are organizing the first European Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning workshop, to be held in Turin, Italy in ECML-PKDD 2023. You can find all the details of workshop on Call for papers Authors are invited to submit articles combining aspects …

RG: Towards Learning Universal Audio Representations

Data del RG: 17/12/2021 🔗 Paper: 👥 Autori: Luyu Wang, Pauline Luc, Yan Wu, Adria Recasens, Lucas Smaira, Andrew Brock, Andrew Jaegle, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Sander Dieleman, Joao Carreira, Aaron van den Oord 📅 Data di pubblicazione: 1 Dec 2021 (v2) 🇬🇧 Version here! TLDR: Il paper presenta un nuovo …

Reading Group 4: Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention

🔗 Paper: (ICML 2021) 👥 Autori: Andrew Jaegle, Felix Gimeno, Andrew Brock, Andrew Zisserman, Oriol Vinyals, Joao Carreira 📅 Data di pubblicazione: 4 Mar 2021 (v1), 23 Jun 2021(v2) ‼️ Cose da sapere Le ConvNets (CNNs) sono delle architetture specifiche introdotte nel 1995 da Yann LeCun. La loro applicazione …

Posters at “Dati, AI e Robotica @Polito”

Several members of the group are involved in the workshop “Dati, AI e Robotica @Polito” held at Politecnico di Torino on September 29, 2021. Elena Baralis will give a talk on “DATI, AI e ROBOTICA: opportunità e sfide”, Danilo Giordano is in the organizing committee and Eliana Pastor and Giuseppe …